A new and absolute favorite of mine, Dreamcoat Lemurian Quartz!


This crystal is a new and RARE find from Brazil, specifically Goias State, Brazil. This is a new find within the past few years that has recently become more available on the market. From talking with wholesalers and the miners to doing my own research, the mine where these crystals come from is very small and already mined out. Until more is found (if it ever is) the pieces currently on the market are the only ones available. I am currently obsessed with this material because of the quality, uniqueness and properties. Let’s dive into it! 

Dreamcoat Lemurian Quartz is a type of crystal with an overgrowth or coating on one crystal. In this case, it’s a super 7 crystal coating on top of lemurian quartz. Super 7 is a mix of seven minerals, Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Clear Quartz, Geothite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile, and Smoky Quartz. Along with all of these, hematite and iron inclusions are also present. 

Geology Information!

At the base of this crystal is plain lemurian quartz. Lemurian quartz is a silicon dioxide mineral with a hardness of 7. This is a specific type of quartz found in Brazil and Columbia that can be identified by the striations on the side, crystal formation and the top notch quality. Moving along to the Dreamcoat, The lemurian quartz is coated in layers of the super 7 minerals. These minerals have piled on over time in order to produce lots of little layers, phantom lines and points and even more rare, small rutile inclusions. The saturation and color ranges from piece to piece based on the iron levels and super 7 coating, but these pieces are clear lemurian quartz with purple, yellow and even orange coloring.

Metaphysical Properties! 

Super 7 is a super high frequency stone that helps our spirit and higher power come forward and help us. It helps to quiet the mind and emotions in order to get in tune with our inner self. This stone helps to keep us moving forward and focusing on ourselves while also keeping us balanced and grounded. This crystal opens up all of the chakras in order to promote healing. Taking the best properties from Amethyst and Smoky Quartz, this crystal will give you high vibrations and lead you to a sense of peace and openness.
The lemurian quartz in this spectacular crystal helps to amplify the energy of the super 7 while being an amazing crystal for manifestation, healing and cleansing.

Fun Facts!

- Dreamcoat Lemurian Quartz is an incredibly rare find from Brazil (and I am not one to use the term rare very frequently) 

- A small pocket was found in Brazil and it’s the only one discovered

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