A fan favorite, Ocean Jasper!

An introduction into Ocean Jasper! 

Ocean Jasper has early discovery records that date back to the 1950’s even though some sources say it wasn’t discovered until 1999. The term Ocean Jasper is a registered trade name and is trademarked. This material is found on the northwestern coast of Madagascar and there are seven deposits where Ocean Jasper is mined. The original Ocean Jasper deposit has been exhausted, but miners are still searching for more OJ on Madagascar. This material is also referred to as Sea Jasper and Orbicular Jasper since lots of the veins have orbs within the patterns.

What are Ocean Jasper veins?

These veins refer to the differences that can be seen in the overarching Ocean Jasper name. Each vein has different colors, pattern and orb styles and mining scales/ locality. Depending on the deposit size, certain veins are much more rare and expensive than other veins. For example, Kabamby Ocean Jasper is a dark green and golden yellow material that is sometimes pink, red and off-white. This is a specific type of Ocean Jasper that refers to where it’s mined (Kabamby) and it’s color palette. Another example is 8th vein Ocean Jasper. This vein is extremely rare and expensive since the deposit isn’t very big and the patterning is so unique. 8th vein Ocean Jasper is characterized by its very defined orbical patterning and the green, pink and white colorings. This vein is very distinctive to other types of Ocean Jasper since not every vein has orbs, let alone almost perfect and very defined orbs.

Ocean Jasper or Ocean Chalcedony?

Just like Polychrome Jasper, Ocean Jasper is not a Jasper but a Chalcedony. This material is a spherulitic chalcedony with chalcedony being a cryptocrystalline variety of Quartz. Cryptocrystalline just means that the crystals are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Spherulitic refers to spherulites which is a more technical name for the orbs which are seen within the Ocean Jasper (Orbicular Jasper) patterning. These orbs are a spherical body which were created from a central point that resulted in radial growth. The orbs started forming in the middle and expanded outward creating the lovely orbs that we see in many strains of Ocean Jasper.

Metaphysical properties

Ocean Jasper is a very calm and uplifting stone that provides an optimistic outlook to the holder of the stone. This material also helps to aid in self-insight and self-confidence. Ocean Jasper resonates with the throat and heart chakras which ties into aiding with communication. If you’re struggling with negative feelings or lack of joy, Ocean Jasper might be a good place to start. You can cleanse your Ocean Jasper with selenite, sea salt water or by intention and personal ways.

Fun facts!

- This material was first released to the public in 2000 at the annual Tucson Gem Show.

- Originally, Ocean Jasper was only accessible at low tide along the shoreline where it was discovered in Madagascar.

- Chalcedony deposits in Madagascar were talked about in 1922, but OJ wasn’t officially discovered and widely talked about until 1977.

- Strong crystals to pair with Ocean Jasper are moonstone, pyrite, aquamarine, black tourmaline and labradorite. 

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