Charoite, a rare crystal exclusively found in Russia!

Background Information! 

Charoite is a newer crystal, first discovered in the 1940s in the Sakha Republic area of Siberia, Russia. More specifically, at the Murunskii Massif. A Massif is an unusual geological formation, of which there are few worldwide. The rarity of Massifs and the uncommon geological events that occurred at the Murunski Massif, lead scientists to suggest we may never find another deposit of this unusual and beautiful mineral. The geologist who is to thank for finding us this beautiful crystal is Vladimir Ditmar. It was originally thought that Charoite was named after the Chara River, but because this river is over 70km away from the discovery spot, it’s now believed to be named after the Russian word Chary, meaning magic or charms. 

Geology Facts!

Charoite is a silicate mineral with a hardness of 5 to 6 and a chemical composition of (K,Na)5(Ca,Ba,Sr)8Si8O46(OH,F) . nH2O   
Charoite is a metamorphic rock that contains a variety 
of alkaline calcium silicate accessory minerals. These can include miserite, benstonite, canasite, tinaksite, pectolite, and fedorite. Common inclusions within Charoite can be sunstone and aegirine. This stone has a pearly luster and can sometimes be chatoyant, commonly seen within the moving swirls of the stone. 

Metaphysical Properties!

Charoite is a very powerful crystal with many benefits and aids to our mind and body. It has a very relaxing energy that promotes spiritual support and reminds us to be present. It’s also a transformative stone that helps turn negative emotions and feelings into positive ones. Along with being full of emotional healing, Charoite helps you cope with sudden life changes and also helps to cleanse the aura. Overall it’s a very strong and vibrational stone that helps the whole body. 

Fun Facts!

- Charoite is categorized as low radioactive due to its potassium levels. But there is nothing to be concerned or worried about! 
- Charoite forms from limestone due to the process of contact metamorphism. 
- Charoite is only found in Russia and is rare due to the fact that Russia controls how much is mined and how much leaves the country. 
- Low quality Charoite is often very light purple whereas high quality Charoite is dark purple with chatoyancy. 


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