All about Rutilated Quartz!

Rutile is by far one of my favorite crystals and it’s popular for good reason. The shimmering strands of rutile and array of colors make this a great addition to any collection!

Background into this crystal!

Rutilated Quartz enters the scene in the 1940’s when miners were looking for clear quartz pieces. At first, these pieces were discarded and overlooked until gem dealers in Bahia, Salvador were introduced to it and intrigued by the new type of Quartz. Rutilated Quartz can be found in Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Norway, Pakistan and the United States. Before we get into the Rutile geology, a quick little overview of Quartz is due. Quartz is one of the most common minerals on Earth and it accounts for 12% of the Earth’s crust. Quartz is found on every continent and is created by high temperatures and pressure. These conditions are what give us different Quartz types such as Smoky Quartz and Rose Quartz.

Geology of Rutile!

Firstly, the crystal system is hexagonal and the chemical formula for Quartz is SiO2 and for Rutile it’s TiO2. Rutile is an oxide mineral that is composed of titanium dioxide. We see this mineral in the form of hair-like strands throughout many types of quartz. The titanium strands can be many different shades ranging from silver to black to green to red. Iron impurities give this crystal a brown/red color which can be referred to as “copper rutile”. Rutile has a very high index of refraction along with a high dispersion which means that it shows up in long, thin strands. Most Rutilated Quartz is formed by a hydrothermal process. When the high temperatures start to cool and the pressure systems start to ease in the creation of Quartz, rutile strands get trapped inside of the Quartz crystal. The rutile ends up inside the quartz and becomes part of the rock. Rutile is often found in metamorphic rocks, igneous rocks and volcanic rocks. 

Metaphysical properties! 

Rutile is known to foster clarity of thought, aid in spiritual creativity and promote greater insight. This is also a powerful manifestation and protection stone. This stone is said to bring wealth to the wearer of the crystal and organization into your life activities. If you’re starting to dive into manifestation practices and intention spells, rutile is a good crystal to work with to help you achieve your goals.

Fun facts!

- Rutilated Quartz is a 7 on the MOHS hardness scale, but the raw rutile inside is a 6.

- This mineral formed 400-500 million years ago when quartz and other minerals came together as liquids to partake in the hydrothermal process.

- The Rutile inclusions make this regular Quartz specimen expensive and sought after.

- Strong crystals to pair with Rutile include Citrine, Labradorite, Rose Quartz and Apophyllite 

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